Units Topics E-tutorial (video lecture) E-contents (pdf files) Supplimentary materials Assesments and analysis
1. History 1.1. World history of plant pathology Video 1
1.2. Indian history of plant pathologyVideo 2

1.3. Contribution of Indian phytopathologist
Web 1
2. General Introduction2.1. Classification of plant diseases
Web 2

2.2. Symptoms of plant diseases Video 3 Web 3

2.3. Mechanism of Infection
Supl 1
3. Techniques
4. Crop-specific diseases 4.1. Citrus canker Web 4
4.2. Little leaf of brinjal Web 5
4.3. Leaf curl of papaya Web 6
4.4. Yellow vein mosaic of lady's finger Web 7
4.5. Powdery mildew of pea Supl 2
4.6. Early blight of potato Video 4 Web 8
4.7. Late blight of potato Video 5 Web 9
4.8. Red Rot of Sugarcane Video 6 Web 10